:: Happy 2011 ::
I'm one of those people that generally gets excited for New Years. That doesn't generally mean we do a whole lot and are often in bed before the 12 o'clock countdown begins. But the anticipation of a new beginning, a new season, a new chance - that's what I love. Jody and I always ponder the past year, the dreams and goals we accomplished and our desires for the year ahead, our relationship, our spiritual lives, parenting ambitions, travel adventures, and our individual aspirations. And, of course, the continuum of home renovations and the "next project".
Which brings me to my goals -
1. The bedroom. Early last year, new carpet was installed, a pale grey paint applied and new, modern molding surrounded the ceiling, doors and windows. Its a huge improvement from the floral border and stained carpet that was originally there. But it still isn't quite OUR bedroom. So my first goal is to add personal touches over this next month... a few funky pictures, unique pillowcases. Basically, I would like it to look like this, but on a budget. A small budget.
2. Read more. Specifically, read two books a month - one being a great piece of fiction and another being something spiritual to challenge me, inspire me and encourage me.
Over the last few months, I read two books that gave me a preverbal kick in the booty more than anything has in a long time.
I borrowed
this book from friends to take along with us to Hawaii. I couldn't put it down. Jody & I both found it incredibly fascinating. And, if my husband broke his pact of not reading, you know its a good read. ;)
I also borrowed
this book & it impacted me more than I can fully verbalize. It encouraged me to be the best wife, mother, woman that I can because I am called to nothing less. And how to help love and uplift other women in my life.
I want to read more of these kinds of books. Hence goal #2.
3. To be fearless. I may seem brave, but I often just put on a brave face. In truth, I am afraid of failure almost as much as I'm afraid of success. I'm afraid of not saying the right things. I'm afraid of not being everything I'm supposed to be. I'm afraid that what I can't do will keep me from what I can do. But the Bible says to "Fear Not" 365 times! That is my goal for 2011 - to not just be fearless but to fear less. And put my faith in He who has a plan and a purpose for my life, He who is control of my life, and He who is greater than my greatest fears.
4. Save money. We are so incredibly blessed. Not necessarily by North American standards, but compared to most of the world, we are living a life of luxury. We are planning to cut back on the little unnecessary things so that we can be a blessing to others. Lately I've been convicted that I'm spending too much money on frivolous little pleasures that I don't need and that money could be better spent elsewhere. I want to say "no" to some things so I may say "yes" to others. We don't plan on living a boring life my ANY means, but to no longer take for granted our blessings. I can't justify the money we spend unaware when people don't have the basics - clean water or enough food to eat. I am committing to only one Starbucks visit a week, which will be hard considering I am severely addicted. Luckily, I have a few Christmas Starbucks cards kickin' around that I can ration for the next bit.

5. To be open to God's plan for our family, to be sufficiently dislodged and stretched from our comfortable lives. The truth is none of us were created for maintenance, we were made for expansion. He wants to push us out over the brink of what we can control in our own ability and strength and position us to realize the lives He has for us outside our neat and tidy packages. Lisa Bevere. Jody and I have been talking and praying about the future of our family and the vision that God is slowly birthing in both of our hearts. Where we are feeling led would take incredible trust in Him, financially and emotionally. But we believe that God IS not just that he WAS.
Here's to 2011 & all you may bring.
Bring it on!