:: Our Story ::

We try not to take life too seriously & are entertained by the little things, like treating our dog, Minnow, like a baby, laughing at our silly, sweet babies, basement foosball tournaments, and dance parties in the car. We are madly in love with each other and the wee family we are building. Come & stay awhile. xo

{ photography :: www.melissapagephotoart.com }

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Minnow & Judah

:: The truth about our baby & our furbaby ::

While being pregnant, multiple times a day I would be asked by patients, coworkers, and strangers how I thought my dog would respond to a new baby in the house. I don't know why anyone thought it would be a concern. I mean, its not like my dog (affectionately referred to as my "furbaby") is spoiled or anything. Its not like I'd sleep with earplugs because she snores so loud rather than make her get off the bed. Or make her homemade treats because she has allergies. Or give her nightly doggie massages because a dude on Oprah said they like it. Seriously, who does that kind of stuff?!?! *smile*

To help us prepare, we did read an article about integrating new babies with the pets. The most important thing seemed to be helping the dog to have a positive association with the new family member, which meant allowing them into the nursery, to smell the baby and be close to him, and, most importantly, not ignore the pet because the baby is around but still include them in the family activities.

Minnow was never really a concern for us. A lot of our friends have little ones and she's never shown much interest in the kids... unless they have food, of course. She loves everyone (except the vet) and has never shown aggression towards people or even other dogs. She's the most submission dog I've ever met.

The first week home with Judah, we could tell Minnow wasn't sure what was going on and who this new little creature was. But it was pretty obvious she was ready for Judah to leave. But, most of the time, Minnow doesn't even notice the baby actually exists. She likes to ignore him and, instead, pretend all the new blankets, clothes and toys are for her. She's been known to run down the hall holding a stuffed bear or baby shoes on more than one occasion. Once in a while, she will lick him. She doesn't like it when he cries and follows me around, slinking low to the ground, as I frantically fling clothing off in an effort to nurse or run into the kitchen to heat up a bottle.

I love my furbaby completely and would never consider getting rid of her because of a baby. I'd never had a dog before Minnow & couldn't imagine my life without her. She's such a character and makes us laugh multiple times a day. I let Minnow sniff the top of Judah's head & she usually gives him a lick. I may have found a dog hair in my baby's mouth once or twice... gross, I know. I'm not exactly Mother of the Year, but I'm trying.

We don't have it fully mastered, having a baby and a dog, but we'll figure it out as we go. We're hoping to teach Minnow to respect Judah as another master and to teach Judah to love animals and respect them as living things.

As the four of us are all cuddled in bed on the weekends, I couldn't imagine not including Minnow or depriving Judah of the chance to love her too.

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