:: to the long boarder cruising down highway 101 last friday. i was stuck in traffic, slightly annoyed, until i spotted a long boarder flying down the hill, bobbing his head to an obviously awesome beat, with a tail (yes, a tail!) pinned to the back of his pants. i burst out laughing and it made my afternoon. thank you to you and the fuzzy tail; you made this girl's afternoon.
:: to my baby boy, who makes me laugh every time he tries to peer over his round buddha belly to find his boy bits. they are his new favorite toy.
:: to the fat, hairy spider that just jumped out at me from the laundry hamper. ok, he sort of crawled out, dazzed and confused. but i have a spider phobia and any spider movement qualifies as jumping or lunging or just plain trying to attack me.
:: to the spider again. because after attacking me, his disappeared. the only thing that gives me the willies more than seeing a spider is a disappearing spider. not cool. jody is now on laundry hamper duty.
:: to biting patients. yes, that squishy thing in your mouth is, in fact, my finger. please stop biting it. even if you slowly close down on it, it still hurts. because its my finger. and your teeth are sharp and hard and strong. fingers and teeth are not friends. remember this.
:: to my blog, which won't let me format properly right now. Uggg.