:: Our Story ::

We try not to take life too seriously & are entertained by the little things, like treating our dog, Minnow, like a baby, laughing at our silly, sweet babies, basement foosball tournaments, and dance parties in the car. We are madly in love with each other and the wee family we are building. Come & stay awhile. xo

{ photography :: www.melissapagephotoart.com }

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

:: 200th ::

W.o.w.  I can't believe there have been 200 posts since first starting this blog while pregnant with Judah!  I realize this blog has become his baby book, my journal and our family documentary.  

Thank you for being so patient with my lack of blogging - I had a really low period for a month before returning to work (like postpartum, except pre-work-partum) and then have found multi-tasking a bit difficult since returning.  I have a whole new level of respect of single mothers and working mothers!

As my first giveaway, I have a print from the Sunshine Coast's Pink Dot Design, customized with your family name & established date!  

I'm almost positive I will be ordering one for my house too because they are just so sweet!  Carolyn at Pink Dot Design doesn't only run & manage her own, very busy company, but she is a full-time mom with four little ones at home.  Honestly, this girl is one of my momma idols; I have no idea how she does it all so well.  

I first got to know Carolyn as a client, purchasing her gorgeous custom cards for Christmas, as thank you cards for my baby shower and birth announcements for Judah.  Recently, I did a shoot for her newest baby, Gabe, and we were able to chat, laugh and share stories of motherhood, small towns, and marriage.  I plan on making her hang out with me again soon over a bottle of red wine. :)

{ How do you enter the draw, you ask.  Scroll to the bottom to find out! }

To enter the draw, please leave a comment a) letting me know what you'd like to see more of on the blog ie. Judah, recipes, decorating, photography or b) asking me a question.  Nothing is too personal.  Well, a few things maybe, but generally I'm a pretty open book.  (If you do not have an account & it is 'annoynmous', type your name at the end of the comment to enter).

A winner will be drawn on June 1st!!


  1. Carolyn's stuff looks really cool.

    Kay, I'm going to do both. A) I want to see more of Judah!! And hear about mommy life while also working B) My question: Do you miss me?!!! It's been a while. I was @ our old work location for a check up and it's sooooooo different. It's great to catch up with you on your blog!

  2. LOVE the print!!!

    A) love hearing about what's cookin' around your home!

    B) what's your go-to meals!!

    PICK MEEEE!!!!

  3. Hi Melissa!
    A) I love all your post topics, I just want to see more posts!! But I especially love your photography posts. You are talented!
    B) how is life as a working mom?
    Hope my input helps and I hope I win :)

    Marjolaine t.

  4. You should pick me because I love everything I read on your blog! I especially love reading your entries because they sound exactly like you speak, no bs for the interweb just the best of Melissa. It's nice to see your pictures an read about your loves [Jody, Judah, and Minnow] and to know that I am not the only one who shares their vulnerabilities with the friends and strangers of the web. I love you!


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