:: Our Story ::

We try not to take life too seriously & are entertained by the little things, like treating our dog, Minnow, like a baby, laughing at our silly, sweet babies, basement foosball tournaments, and dance parties in the car. We are madly in love with each other and the wee family we are building. Come & stay awhile. xo

{ photography :: www.melissapagephotoart.com }

Monday, March 29, 2010

Last week was our 7 year dating anniversary. During the first year of dating, we broke up a few times. We both had lessons to learn. But, it made us stronger. And we've always counted our dating anniversary as if we never broke up.

I was a good kid and he was a bad kid. It was a joke to set us up for a long, long time. We'd never met. I went on the first "date" for coffee to pacify my office manager; he thought it was a real date. He made me laugh.

Then we went to the arcade for our second date. He brought me blue roses. *shudder* I told him to never bring me blue flowers again. I wasn't very nice. Harrassing him was more fun. I won most of the arcade games. Surprisingly, he stuck around. And I'm really glad he did.


because you organize the house better than me...
because you make me laugh... often
because your hands are strong & worn...
because your hugs make everything right...
because you've always believed in me...
because you think I'm funny...
because your constant coffee house ratings make me smile...
because you always let me steal your last bite...
because you give me hope for the future...
because you surprise me with flowers & Lindt...
because you took me back...
because you love the Lord & push me onward...
because you love the craziness that is my family...
because you think i'm beautiful without makeup...
because you'll hug me when i'm really, really mad at you...
because I'm a better person today because of you...
because you love me just as I am...

1 comment:

  1. awe...you're so sweet! LOVE this post...and thinking of you!! big hugs...


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