:: Our Story ::

We try not to take life too seriously & are entertained by the little things, like treating our dog, Minnow, like a baby, laughing at our silly, sweet babies, basement foosball tournaments, and dance parties in the car. We are madly in love with each other and the wee family we are building. Come & stay awhile. xo

{ photography :: www.melissapagephotoart.com }

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mission = Sleep
Over this last month, we've been getting to the habit of a definite sleep routine & bedtime.  Before now, we were fairly consistent, but used Judah's cues a lot to know when he was tired.  We'd also vary the routine if we were out or with friends.  But, now we are hardcore.  Bedtime = bedtime, regardless of location or setting.
During the day Judah naps when he wants to. We don’t follow a schedule, per se, but he does nap at approximately the same times each day.  For now, its been working and makes sense for us because we are always on the go - hiking the trails, visiting with our babies friends, running errands.  Thankfully, Judah can sleep with a buzz of normal activity around and is lulled to sleep by the neighbours dog barking, other children playing or the coffee shop buzz.
Our new "Its bed time" routine begins at 7:30:
  • Bath (sometimes with mommy - which I totally love!)
  • Baby full body massage.  Judah loves having his little arms, legs, belly, and feet massaged and totally begins to relax.  Jody and I take turns giving him massages.  And even a lucky grandparent might get a turn when they are around.  It really is fun, because he loves it so.
  • Story time.  We read to him from his ever growing stack of baby books.  We already have most of them memorized.
  • Nurse him until he's nice and full with the lights down low.
  • Swaddle him into his new Woombie.  This invention is amazing!  I ordered one and sent it to Hagens of Blaine because the shipping to Canada was too expensive.  But it honestly is incredible and has improved his sleeping 100%.  He's a master Houdini at escaping from the tightest of swaddles and then spends the night waking himself up with his flailing arms and legs.  The Woobie has completely changed that - he gets just enough stretch to move comfortably and get to this finger tips to suck but at that same time is still restricted enough to sleep well.  Get your hands on one of these anyway you can!
[This picture makes me laugh every time I see it.  There just seems something strange about it, but it is incredible - weird or not.]
  • Turn on his baby worship music and cuddle him for 1 song, laying him down while he's still awake.
  • Dream feed @ 10 or 10:30 p.m. before I go to bed.
With this routine, we are getting him to sleep for 8 straight hours - waking up at 4:30 or 5am for a quick feeding (less than 20 minutes)  - and then we lay him back down awake and he falls asleep and usually doesn’t wake up again until around 7am. At that point, I bring him in the bed with me to nurse and cuddle as daddy gets ready for work.  
The first few nights, he cried for about 5 minutes at the normal times he had been waking up - for feedings and cuddles.  I got firm because I personally felt that the sleep deprivation wasn't making me function at my finest and my doctor told me to smartin' up, that he didn't need so many night time feedings anymore.  It was really hard and I was frightened that he would cry longer, but the first night made me realize he was ready to sleep through the night, he just needs a little help.  If he cried hard, I would go in an comfort him and almost immediately he calmed down & fell asleep.
Every baby is totally unique, but this has been working for us and allowing me to finally catch up on some much needed sleep.  Anyone else have helpful tips or trade mommy secrets that helped with their little ones?!  I appreciate any help I can get in this department! :)


  1. You Rock! That's a great way to end your sweet babes day! Yay for finding what works for you!

  2. Good to hear what has worked for you. I have no experience yet but I do have to say that I've looked at the woombies before. The first thing they reminded me of was a baby in a straight jacket...except the baby is smiling....which sent me into a hysterical fit of laughter. But yes, I heard they work wonders!


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