:: Our Story ::

We try not to take life too seriously & are entertained by the little things, like treating our dog, Minnow, like a baby, laughing at our silly, sweet babies, basement foosball tournaments, and dance parties in the car. We are madly in love with each other and the wee family we are building. Come & stay awhile. xo

{ photography :: www.melissapagephotoart.com }

Thursday, July 15, 2010

:: 3 Month Photoshoot with Momma::

Judah, you look nothing like I imagined when I was pregnant. But sometimes it amazes me how beautiful you are.

A few days into "sleep training" and mid-photoshoot, he passed out on the floor when I went to grab a different lens. After a few trying days of naptime, this was a precious moment for me.


  1. Awesome pictures Melissa! He's such a handsome little dude!!!

  2. He's a beauty! Miss you! xo, *S

  3. ummm...when did you and Noah have a baby together? This isn't arkansas.
    love him. can't wait to squish him.

  4. @Jennifer: LOL. What can I say? I married an old man; That's what family is for! (ewwwww)


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