:: Our Story ::

We try not to take life too seriously & are entertained by the little things, like treating our dog, Minnow, like a baby, laughing at our silly, sweet babies, basement foosball tournaments, and dance parties in the car. We are madly in love with each other and the wee family we are building. Come & stay awhile. xo

{ photography :: www.melissapagephotoart.com }

Sunday, November 18, 2012

currently :: november 2012

here's my "currently" for november::

obsessed over::  the weather.  i don't think i've ever checked the weather as much i do since starting photography.  when i have a shoot coming up, i check it days before, the night before, hours before.  checking for the dreaded rain.  a rained out shoot is no fun.

working on::  simplifying.

thinking about::  how silly it was for me to sign up for a class at ubc.  honestly, what was i thinking?!  i thought that the fall, being slow season, would be a good time to work on courses to complete my degree.  i'm so SO close to being finished.  but, these days, i would way rather snuggle a baby and drink tea than study.  next time i have a great idea, i'm going to smother it with a pillow.

anticipating:: christmas.  i cannot believe how early everyone is decorating this year!  it seems like my facebook & instragram feeds constantly have new trees and lights and holiday decorations.  my only contribution so far some festive red nails and my christmas starbucks mugs being used.  i just cannot allow myself to start decorating until december 1st.

listening to::  the new mumford & sons album.  i have a serious obsession.

eating::  turkey.  we boycotted canadian thanksgiving this year, opting instead to eat pizza with some friends.  but i missed it.  i decided we'd celebrate american thanksgiving this year with a turkey and all the trimmings.  i plan on pulling out some recipes from my beloved pinterest account.

wishing:: for the new canon 24 - 70 f 2.8.  it's the last lens i want to add to my collection for a long, long time.  but it's just so darn expensive.  i hope that the lense fairy drops it off on my doorstep.  please oh please tell me there's a lense fairy.

dissing:: people who drive for extended periods of time with their blinkers on.  and the confusion of whether they are just REALLY early signal-ers or whether it's on accidentally.  grrrr.  and people who drive 60 in an 80 zone.  i get stuck behind these vehicles SO much on the coast.  double grrrrrrr.

laughing at::  my babies.  all three of them.  i never knew such joy til i met them.
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